14 Humber St, Hull HU1 1TH
Tel: 01482 324484
Opening Times:
Monday 10am–6pm
Tuesday 10am–6pm
Wednesday 10am–8pm
Thursday 10am–8pm
Friday 10am–6pm
Saturday 9am–5pm
Sunday Closed
A splash of colour or a bucketload. Radical shapes or a classic retro makeover. At Mousey Browns, everyone who comes in leaves with something that is 100% them.
Mousey Browns don’t just cut hair. They aim to make your experience a time to replenish and take a breather. A time for you. Your hair says a lot about you so no matter your individual hair goals they will help you tell the world your story.
They have a wide range of services at varying price points. Regular offers, stylish décor and the use of cruelty free and vegan products make this a very attractive place to get your hair done.